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Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Commonplace Book... Grocery Gremlins by Mab Graff Hoover

A Rose by any Other Name Would Still Have Aphids by Mab Graff hoover
I am reading a book of devotions. The title is "A Rose by any Other Name Would Still Have Aphids" by Mab Graff Hoover.  The devotion I read today was titled "Grocery Gremlins".  It really spoke to me about our (people) habits of blaming the Devil for our sins.  It reminded me that the Devil does not make us sin and that it is our own hearts that lead to destruction.

The author had gone shopping and came home with items that she could swear she had not picked.  When she tells her family, they laugh at her because apparently she is extremely absentminded.  At the end, Mrs. Hoover says that
" my heart I know that these goofs are my own fault. I'm just trying to make excuses for my absentmindedness--just like when I blame the Devil for my sins. Each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. James 1:14 ...[and] The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? Jeremiah 17:9"
This makes me think, what have I blamed the Devil for in my life that is just due to my old sinful nature trying to butt into my life again?

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